Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oh Hail! Take Your Vitamines!
Two days ago it was 80°. This morning it is hailing!

Can dramatic fluctuations in weather make you more susceptible to illness?
Despite generations of mothers insisting that we bundle up, and fill up on chicken soup and hot tea, scientists are running outside barefoot without their coats on.

Once again Scientists are back-talking the Old Wives Club and bucking generations of conventional wisdom. Science reports:
“Colds and flu are caused by viruses and when bad weather arrives, people merely stay inside and are more likely to spread germs to one another”. Well, this Old Wife has never observed work or school dismissing for good weather so we can disperse and not sneeze on one another.
They also say, "Viruses spread more easily through dry air. When it is cold outside, the air is drier both outdoors and inside (where people have their heaters on) which may make it easier for germs to pass from one person to another.” Yadah, Yadah, Yadah! The old wives club’s imperial data suggests just the opposite – dramatic shifts in weather as well as damp cold weather makes us more susceptible to sickness.

So until Mr. Smarty Pants is going to make you homemade chicken soup, wipe your nose, and tuck you in, mom says put on your scarf, keep warm and dry and take an extra vitamin C!

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