Friday, March 12, 2010

Food Inc. Documentary - A Must See

Hey, did you see Food Inc. on the Oscars last night?  Maybe you didn't notice it in the Independent Documentary category - but it is a must see.   

This isn't a gross-out movie to scare you into eating healthier or buying someone's product.  It is an eye opening educational film about how our food is grown and processed.  We think we eat food that comes from a farm when in fact we eat "factory food".  When you see the manufacturing process one can easily come to an obvious conclusion about why we have so much disease in our culture. 

For instance, most corn and soy beans grown in America (except organic) are a Monsanto product. Food Inc. shows how Monsanto gained the monopoly on seeds and petro-chemicals that farmers must use to produce their crops..And as monopolies word, the farmers have little choice but to purchase from them - or be shut out of business.  Sadly, many family farms have been swallowed up by the industry giants. 

Monsanto developed and owns "Round Up" weed killer.  Monsanto labs have also genetically altered corn and soy bean seeds to survive being sprayed with Round-up. So, when the farmers plant these genetically modified seeds and when the weeds begin to grow Round-up is sprayed on the entire field. It kills everything it touches except the genetically altered plant. 

Monsanto's research says genetically modified corn has no adverse side effects on those who consume it.  Independent studies say otherwise. Serious illnesses and cancer are linked to consumption of genetically modified crops; So much so, that Europe has banned genetically modified foods from being brought into the country.  Monsanto also spearheaded and lobbied to prevent consumer labeling of genetically modified foods.  Sounds like an evil conspiracy doesn't it?  You decide. 

PS - If you would like to purchase a copy e-mail me at :

I think it is so important we sell it!