Friday, February 25, 2011

GMO Food

GMO Food

I look for the “contains no GMOs label” especially on corn chips.  One of my favorite grocer stores, Trader Joe’s will not carry products that are GMOs.

You can pretty much assume that all corn, soy bean, cotton, and canola (rape seed as it is known in Europe) are GMO products.  Monsanto is now working on GMO alfalfa, wheat and sugar beets.  Forty plants like tomatoes and cantaloupes, according the FDA, have already completed Federal requirements to enter the market place.

Because the US subsidizes corn and soybeans production they are consequently very inexpensive to use in human and animal food manufacturing.  Who would guess that corn would be in your Twinkie?  Some variation of corn and soy are in virtually all baked goods, processed food and even in our medications/vitamins, in forms of corn syrup, oil, corn starch, fillers etc.

The powerful Monsanto lobbying arm was able to bypass all government requirements for honest consumer labeling of GMO products.  A top Monsanto executive was quoted as saying “If GMO products had to be labeled, no one would buy them” and Europe agrees.   Europe insists that GMO foods be labeled and has banned  most GMO foods sighting overwhelming evidence from numerous independent studies that GMO foods are detrimental to our health.  Monsanto’s studies assert the risks are minimal.

Organic "Kettle Corn"

Whirley pop Method
1/4  Cup Extra Virgin Coconut oil
1/3 Cup Popping corn (Non-GMO)
1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Coconut oil
1 Tablespoon Agave

On stove top gently melt 1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Coconut oil and 1 Tablespoon Agave.

Put corn and oil in popper.  Fasten the lid securely.  Begin stirring, using high heat.  Popping with begin in about 1 ½ minutes.  Continue stirring until popping almost stops.

Air Pop Method

¼ to ½ organic pop corn (non- GMO)
1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Coconut oil
1 Table spoon Agave

In a sauce pan warm 1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Coconut oil and
1 Table spoon Agave.

Pop popcorn.  When the coconut oil is melted stir in agave and spoon over hot popcorn.

I love the old fashioned movie theater taste that you get using the Whirley Pop and  Extra Virgin Coconut oil.  It is quite easy to eat the whole bowl in one sitting.