Monday, February 23, 2009

Southern Fried Health Food

My food philosophy in a nutshell: It must taste good! – Or you can vibrate the air with useless sound waves about a product and it's health benefits – and it will take up permanent residence in the fridge, growing penicillin like some abandoned lab experiment. However, my real maniacal hidden agenda is that our food be clean, healthy food that TASTES GOOD.

Who am I? I am a recent “true believer”. Yes, I have known, studied, and even taught the benefits of healthy eating and exercise for decades. Heck, we were even full blown vegetarians for a while and felt great. But one summer afternoon the perfumed aroma of a neighbor’s sizzling steak grilling in the distance wafted into our backyard. Like some giggling high school kids with fake IDs we snuck to the grocery store for the contraband. We grilled the most delicious juicy perfectly marbled stake and for a brief moment we experienced carnivore’s heaven. We looked at each other and agreed that we had been way overboard on this "vegetarian thing" – only to feel occasional buyer’s remorse, sugar coated and not nearly as healthy – but hey, it’s the American way. Besides, how can a chocolaholic truly be a health nut?

Well, as they sing, "The times they are a changin’ ", and actions have consequence. What we can get away with in our youth will beat us bloody later. It is funny how that works. It seems like you can get away with living an unhealthy life choice without paying the consequences just about as long as it takes to develop into a habit then “Its time to pay the piper” (as the old timers say) – I think that means by that time, you're pretty much screwed to the wall.

What is a true believer? Well I am not on a sticks and berries diet …yet – My whole life I have been a "from scratch", southern fried, cheese biscuit, real potatoes and gravy, dessert with every meal, dipped in chocolate cook. I still have a family to feed and all food must pass muster on the delicious scale. However, I have slowly converting us all to a healthy alternative diet and we will share the trickery on this blog. I would love for you to join our adventure and to hear your tips and suggestions. We have already seen tremendous life changing and even miraculous health benefits this year!

Coming Tomorrow:

My New Favorite Carrot Cake Recipe (don't tell them until after it has been devoured that it was healthy and actually good for them!)

In the meantime, be sure to visit (and bookmark) our website at - and keep checking back for more great tasting, healthy products coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ronda, trying this comment thing again.
    "Well, I'm with you here!! I, too, have moved too far away from my once healthier lifestyle and the effects have hit me in the face...or should I say GUT! So I'm glad you have started this and look forward to keeping up with it. Agave is my favorite as well, tho I haven't experimented with it much."


We invite you to share your helpful or healthy comments, advice, tips, recipes, questions, and experience with us.